Tuesday 2 December 2014

My First Christmas in Canada

 I have been in Canada since 2013. I also celebrated my first Christmas with my children. I went to my friend home. she invited me in her home. My children got many gifts from school. We bought suits and gifts for them. My son was invited to his friend home. He did lot of fun with his friend. I made a cake for my friend. That was my first Christmas in Canada.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Activities I Like

There are different activities that i like. These include painting and reading books. The books are based on my language and are about my Islamic history. All these activities groom my personality. They promote a new and active life. Reading  improves my speaking skills.

Monday 24 November 2014

Activities I Like

Activities I Like
There are diffrent<different activities that i<cap like no space.These includs<include painting and readind books .The books +are based on my language and +are about my I>islamic history .All these activities devolpe personality.They promote a new and active life. Reading gives me a knowldge and improves my speaking skills. and painting gives me style. I can decorate my home with my paintings.And decorating my home with diffrentstyles is my hobby.